Lambing is a special time on the farm
Once or twice a year, our guests delight in visiting the lambing shed to witness the birth of the lambs and to help us to bottle feed the little ones who need extra care. Experiencing our lambing seasons makes for an authentic farm holiday in Cornwall. We have a flock of 900 sheep at The Olde House, the first group giving birth to their lambs in September out in the fields and the remainder in February when we run the lambing weekend.
Once the process has begun, there is a steady stream of lambs being born both day and night. They are regularly monitored and cared for to check that everything is running as it should. The sheep are brought into a large lambing shed during these periods. This keeps them out of the chilly winter weather and allows the newborn lambs to get strong and find their feet before being let out into the fields. After a few days of being in the lambing shed, the ewes and their newborns are moved out to the fields. They are checked in the morning and evening to make sure the lambs are growing as they should be.
We invite our guests to visit the lambing shed to witness the birth first-hand. We’re also always looking for helping hands in Pets’ Corner to feed the little ones that haven’t taken to their mothers properly.
In December 2014, we had a rare set of quadruplet lambs born on the farm. This has only happened three times in 23 years, and the quads made national news in Metro, The Telegraph and Orange online.
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