Easter Fun and Games

16th April 2014

What a lovely Easter Holiday we’re all having! On the past two Mondays we have been having some fun and games in the Cornish sunshine.

The children gave their all in the egg and spoon race and the egg bowling and were rewarded with chocolate treats on the easter egg hunt. Then while we waited for the BBQ, there were a couple more games to play, pin the tail on the rabbit and guess how many chocolate eggs in the jar! Little Charlie, who I think is only three, was so thrilled that he won the jar and his face lit up when he realised he could eat all the eggs, which was 98!! He did say that he’d share them with his family!

This Easter holiday is the start of something new. The Blue Bus Catering Co came and served absolutely delicious Kernow Sausage hotdogs with potatoes and salads at £6 for adults and £3 for children. They went down a storm and so The Blue Bus will be paying us a visit every Monday evening throughout the summer holidays from 5pm. We have also really enjoyed getting everyone together, so we are planning to play some games such as rounders, cricket or football on Mondays in the summer holidays from 4pm. We may even put together an “Its a Knockout” evening!


Easter egg and spoon race     Easter fun